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Cancer Genomics

Cancer Genomics (CGx)


MicroGen Health strives to provide high-quality insights and understanding to medical professionals or those individuals seeking counsel from their primary physicians that may assist in the prevention and early detection of certain cancers. Our testing panel helps determine the underlying factors that could discover whether a person has inherited genetic mutations that are likely to increase cancer susceptibility. We provide actionable information based on those possible genetic mutations associated with an increase in hereditary cancers. We seek to inform our clients about what mutations may increase the risk of future cancer diagnosis by their impairment of functioning tumor suppressors.

This test is best designed for people who have a family history of specific cancer types. We analyze the mutations present in a patient’s DNA that serve as both diagnostic information and predictive markers. This allows our clients the ability to receive proper clinical guidance from their primary physicians. Together, they will be empowered when creating a treatment guide for the future using lifestyle modulation, therapeutic interventions, nutritional decisions, and modern medical suggested proactive steps to lowering the impact of a possible cancer diagnosis

Our testing facility is designed to provide an earlier diagnosis to our clients and medical professionals. This is an essential tool for better prognosis outcomes. The fight against cancer is best supported by quality, proactive steps guided by those medical professionals that understand the timetable of treatments. These early steps are even more critical in clients who may have certain birth defects, as these can also be part of inherited cancer syndromes.


Cancer genomics panel covers 25 genes

Breast cancer

6 genes
  • BARD1
  • BRCA1
  • BRCA2
  • BRIP1
  • RAD51C
  • RAD51D

Colorectal cancer

5 genes
  • MSH6
  • PMS2
  • POLD1
  • POLE

Gastric cancer

2 genes
  • CDH1

Pancreatic cancer

3 genes
  • CDKN2A(p14ARF)
  • CDKN2A (p16INK4a)
  • PALB2

Ovarian cancer

4 genes
  • BRCA1
  • BRCA2
  • RAD51C
  • RAD51D

Prostate cancer

1 gene
  • CHEK2

Melanoma, malignant, cutaneous

2 genes
  • CDK4
  • MITF


2 genes
  • ATM
  • SMAD4

When and Why to do Cancer Genomics Testing?

The earlier clients can be tested, the better. If a client is concerned about the possibility of a future cancer diagnosis, they should reach out to their primary care provider for guidance. That provider will most likely review certain personal history and background medical information to determine if a cancer genomics test would be appropriate. Some of the reasons for ordering this test include:

  • Personal or family history of cancer
  • Cancer at a very young age
  • Cancer affecting two or more organs
  • Different cancers manifesting together
  • Several first-degree relatives having cancer
  • Presence of certain birth defects associated with inherited cancer syndrome
  • Specimen requirements

    Buccal Swab

  • Turn around time:

    3-4 weeks

Steps Involved in Cancer Genomics Testing

Sample Collection and Transport

Primary physicians should first conduct a pre-test genetic counseling session with their patients before referring them for testing. This is so all the appropriate questions are answered about the potential benefits and limitations of the test. There will then be a trained laboratory technician that will collect a whole blood sample or buccal swab of the client into a specific testing container. That sample will then be sent to our labs in a safe, temperature-controlled setting.

Test Procedure

Genomic DNA will be carefully extracted from the collected sample by our expert technicians using the latest technology. Our lab will then assess the quality and quantity of the sample for genetic markers using Next Generation Sequence. Our Bioinformatics tools will be implemented to understand the nature of any possible variants according to the guidelines set out by the American College of Medical Genetics (ACMG) and the Association for Molecular Pathology (AMP).

Test Report

The presence of pathogenic or likely pathogenic variants is indicated as a “positive” result. A positive result in a person affected with cancer suggests that cancer is due to inherited mutation. A positive result in an asymptomatic individual suggests the possibility of potential high-risk, which could mean the need for either nutritional, therapeutic, or lifestyle interventions to reduce the risk of a cancer diagnosis.

The presence of benign or likely benign variants is indicated as a “negative” result. This will inform the client’s physician on possible next steps, including evaluating other non-genetic causes for the specified phenotype. Post-test genetic counseling is suggested to help decide whether other members of the client’s family need to undergo this same genetic testing.

Customer Service

At MicroGen Health, we strive to provide only evidence-backed test results using experienced technicians and experts with the latest technology. We protect our client’s privacy according to industry standards and seek to have a professional customer interaction each and every time. If you would like to begin your test or have any other questions, please reach out to our team using our contact page. Thank you for considering MicroGen Health for your health care diagnostics.

Disorders covered in the panel

Gene Disorder
ATM Ataxia-Telangiectasia, Mantle Cell Lymphoma
BARD1 Breast cancer, hereditary breast ovarian cancer syndrome
BRCA1 Breast-Ovarian Cancer, Familial 1
BRCA2 Breast cancer, Fanconi Anemia
BRIP1 Breast cancer, Fanconi Anemia
CDH1 Gastric cancer
CDK4 Melanoma, Cutaneous Malignant 3
CDKN2A(p14ARF) Melanoma-Pancreatic Cancer syndrome
CDKN2A (p16INK4a) Melanoma-Pancreatic Cancer syndrome
CHEK2 Prostate cancer
EPCAM Colorectal cancer
MITF Melanoma, Cutaneous Malignant 8
MSH6 Colorectal cancer
MUTYH Gastric cancer, Familial Adenomatous Polyposis 2
NBN Nijmegen Breakage Syndrome, Aplastic Anemia
PALB2 Pancreatic Cancer 3
PMS2 Colorectal cancer, Hereditary Nonpolyposis, Type 4
POLD1 Colorectal cancer, Mandibular Hypoplasia
POLE Colorectal cancer 12
RAD51C Breast-Ovarian Cancer, Familial 3
RAD51D Breast-Ovarian Cancer, Familial 4
SMAD4 Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia Syndrome
    • Specimen requirements

      Buccal Swab

    • Turn around time:

      3-4 weeks